

How to Set Your Elementary- or Middle-Schooler Up for Success Later On

May 07, 2018 By Emma
Elementary Schoolers (Study Improvements)    Middle Schoolers (Study Improvements)   

In order to set your elementary- or middle-schooler up for success later on, it’s crucial to foster a love of learning. The best way for children to succeed in their schoolwork is by helping them become genuinely interested in it and even excited about it. Here are some ways to do just that:


Make reading a habit. With a younger child, read to them before bedtime if possible to communicate that reading can be a daily habit. Take your child to the library regularly, and help them find books that they love. Many children who think that they don’t enjoy reading just haven’t found the right books for them yet. 


Serve as a good role model. If your child sees you reading in your free time, they’re more likely to pick up books as well. Conversely, if your child sees that you spend most of your free time watching TV or surfing the internet, they’ll learn to do the same. 


Frequent educational places, such as museums and zoos. If possible, give your child some say in the decision about where you’re visiting too, so they feel more excited about it.


Help your child find a few extracurricular activities that they enjoy. This will help them develop different skill sets and give them the opportunity to socialize with other kids outside of the classroom. 


Finally, be constructive, not just critical. When your child is struggling in a class, ask them how you can help them succeed. For example, would it be helpful for you to help them review before tests? Try to find positive reinforcements for their success, and encourage a routine, such as spending a regular period of time after school to focus on homework and/or finishing homework before allowing screen time.


If your child feels like they are being pushed into activities, punished for failing, or otherwise “helicoptered,” they are more likely to resist your well-intentioned educational efforts. Therefore, maintaining a positive attitude is key to helping your child love learning. 


All Inizian tutors are here to help your child. If you are not sure where to start for your child’s success, please feel free to reach out to us at Good luck!


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